With this news, I decided to put my career on hold and become a stay at home mom. I didn’t know any other parents, we had no family in town to rely on for support and my husband was right in the middle of an intensive Master’s program. While our son was a fairly easy going baby, I found myself struggling with common sleep crutches such as nursing, holding and rocking him to sleep. He would take very short naps and was up multiple times a night. When he was 6 months old, I discovered Kim West, LCSW-C and her book The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight and immediately felt that this gentle method of sleep coaching was right for me and my family. I followed the methods created by Kim and within 2 weeks our son was sleeping appropriately for his age, as were we! While I always knew that I enjoyed working with families in the world of design, I now had a new passion for helping other parents navigate their way through sleepless days and nights.
Now convinced in the power of The Sleep Lady Shuffle, I decided to enter The Gentle Sleep Coach training program created and taught by Kim West herself. This certification program included over 55 hours of training in such areas as the neurobiology of sleep, newborn care, child development, sensory processing disorder, and breastfeeding and included guest lectures from our country’s top pediatric specialists including:
I participate in continuing education and mentoring with Kim West, LCSW-C on topics related to child and family health and wellness and I am currently pursuing certification with Dr. Harvey Karp’s The Happiest Baby Education Association.
Please see my Services page to learn more about my services and price packages. I am dedicated to offering effective yet gentle sleep coaching services for your family that are affordable.Sweet Dreams,
Jessica Moore, CGSC
With this news, I decided to put my career on hold and become a stay at home mom. I didn’t know any other parents, we had no family in town to rely on for support and my husband was right in the middle of an intensive Master’s program. While our son was a fairly easy going baby, I found myself struggling with common sleep crutches such as nursing, holding and rocking him to sleep. He would take very short naps and was up multiple times a night. When he was 6 months old, I discovered Kim West, LCSW-C and her book The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight and immediately felt that this gentle method of sleep coaching was right for me and my family. I followed the methods created by Kim and within 2 weeks our son was sleeping appropriately for his age, as were we! While I always knew that I enjoyed working with families in the world of design, I now had a new passion for helping other parents navigate their way through sleepless days and nights.
Now convinced in the power of The Sleep Lady Shuffle, I decided to enter The Gentle Sleep Coach training program created and taught by Kim West herself. This certification program included over 55 hours of training in such areas as the neurobiology of sleep, newborn care, child development, sensory processing disorder, and breastfeeding and included guest lectures from our country’s top pediatric specialists including:
I participate in continuing education and mentoring with Kim West, LCSW-C on topics related to child and family health and wellness and I am currently pursuing certification with Dr. Harvey Karp’s The Happiest Baby Education Association.
Please see my Services page to learn more about my services and price packages. I am dedicated to offering effective yet gentle sleep coaching services for your family that are affordable.Sweet Dreams,
Jessica Moore, CGSC